Gosport and Fareham MS Group Newsletter

July 2023

What a glorious June Saturday morning – mine began with a squirrel – again!

It was great to amble to the arcade in Lee with friends and the hounds this morning, looking out into the solent as we sipped drinks and got caught up on each others news. Pools out and I’m now enjoying the garden sunshine as I begin the newsletter having spent most of yesterday planning with Tina for the next couple of months activities and events.


The classes are continuing as normal over the summer for as long as we can cope with the warmer weather. That includes Tina and myself although we are blessed with aircon at Lee Community Centre and the hall tends to be in the shade during the mornings at the RC Church.

To summarise

Lee on Solent Community Centre

Monday 2pm Pilates

Tuesday 11:30am Yoga

Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception

Thursday 11:30am Keep-Fit

Friday 11:30am Movement to music.

We have such fabulous instructors that can cope with all abilities. Can’t move a limb, don’t worry, just do what you can and stop when you’ve had enough. All classes are followed by a drink and chance to meet and chat to others in the same boat as yourself.

That said the instructors are having some days off – I know how very dare!

10 July Pilates is cancelled

25 July Yoga is cancelled

28 July Movement is cancelled

27 July the equally fabulous Marion will be running the Keep-Fit class.


Marion is back with us again and will be running her fortnightly physio drop-in clinics on 6 and 20 July, through into August unless we expire with the heat. If you can’t make the class but would like some physio input, please contact our Lead Support Officer Jo 07758 699080 to arrange a home visit.

Life Coach

If you find yourself struggling with your diagnosis or changing condition we do fund sessions with our lovely Life Coach, Sue Topham. Again, please contact Jo 07758 699080 who will be able to help you.

MS Nurse Team

An MS Nurse will be at the Movement to Music class on 30 June but there will be no MS Nurse drop-in’s during July but will again attend on 25 August Movement class. That said the nurses are always contactable for a chat or to make an appointment to see them. Call 02382 311823 and leave a message on the answerphone or email them at MSTEAM@southernhealth.nhs.uk. They have a system that allows for urgent calls to be triaged and handled first but you will always get a response.


Craft sessions are all, run at Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception Church, Bells Lane, PO14 2PL

5 July – bracelets – one space left £5 each

18 July – pottery painting – one space left £5 each

6 September – 3 spaces left, needle felting owl or cacti £5 each

We are not running any craft activities during August.

Moots aka Meet-ups

Nicole and Julie host a moot at the Seagull in Portchester on the last Wednesday of the month at 11:30 and would be delighted if you could join them both.

Jo and Angie host a moot at Alver Valley Garden Centre on the last Friday at the month at 2pm. They would also welcome your company and promise not to eat all the cake before you get there.

If you’ve not been before and are a little nervous one of the ladies would be happy to meet you at the door. Just let us know and we can sort it out for you.


12 July Wheelhouse Cream Tea from 2:30pm for £5 each

Book your place by filling out the form CREAM TEA

Murder Mystery Evening – Thursday 3 August 6pm to 9pm

Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception Church, Bells Lane, PO14 2PL

There are 20 players to the game. You are given a character and get to dress appropriately. You read from your script which is giving clues as to the murderer. Bring your own food and alcoholic drink. Tea/coffee and soft drinks will be provided on the evening. £5 per person. Prize for the best dressed person.

Sign up with the link MURDER MYSTERY

The hog roast and afternoon at the races has moved to Sunday 17 September. Think of it as the Sunday roast with fun and frolics with the family afterwards. As Scooby was such a popular horse last year, I need to up my game with naming the horses this year. Friends and family, all welcome to join in. More details next time around.


16 July Spinnaker Tower Abseil between 11am and 13pm.

There is a team of 14 fantastic folk abseiling the tower to raise money for the the Gosport and Fareham Group and Solent MS Therapy Centre. Part of the team also comes from Cams Golf course who have both groups as part of their charity of the year. I’ll be observing and supporting with feet firmly planted on the ground. Come and join me if you are free – I might even let them give our Tina a rope!

Sponsor them if you can – every little helps. ABSEILING TEAM

Stubbington Fayre/Donkey Derby 28 August 2023 with the Fareham Lions

Is held in the recreation ground, adjacent to Bells Lane and behind Crofton Youth Centre, Crofton Community Centre, and Stubbington Library. (SAT NAV PO14 2PP). We have a stall there and need your help during the day. We can drive a car onto the site at 9:30 and set up the 4mx4m pitch. We need to supply tables and a form of shade for those on the stall during the day. We can drive back onto the site at 4:30 and pack up at the end of the day. Could you help? From setting up, working on the stall during the day and packing up at the end. If anyone can lend a hand with any of the activities, it would be very much appreciated. Doing a little bit of what we can manage makes the difficult possible. Give Jenny a call on 07974 660461, or Tina on 07970 539235 and fingers crossed we can raise some donations from this very popular and event. If you have any items you would like to donate, give them to either Tina or Jenny at one of the classes. Lastly keep your fingers crossed it’s not raining on the day. Do come and say hello if you find yourself at the Donkey Derby. Even the name makes me smile.

The Team

We have a fabulous team helping with the classes, in support, the events and moots. I thank each and every one of you for the time you give. A new gent has recently join the coordinating team as our Health and Safety volunteer. Thank you Tim I hope we don’t become too much of a trial and tribulation to you. We are on the lookout for a Fundraising Volunteer. Is this something that interests you? Give either Tina or Jenny a call or grab them at one of the classes for a chat to find out what it’s all about.

Follow us on Facebook as Nicole keeps you up to date with all that is going on in the group


Our website https://www.gosportandfarehamms.org.uk/. There are plans underway to modernise the website that Owen kindly set up in 2007 for the group. Hopefully I will have more to tell you next time around but Martin’s doing a good job from what I’ve seen so far.

We hope to meet you at some time over the summer, but we are also on the end of the phone.

Tina Walker 07970 539235 Jenny Jessup 07974 660461*** – ***Joanne Afonseca 07758 699080